Concurrent Enrollment

Ripley partners with Redlands Community College to provide qualifying juniors and seniors with the opportunity to take college courses online during high school.

These courses can count toward graduation requirements:

  • HIST 1493 (US History, 1877- Present), counts for high school US History credit

  • ENGL 1113 & ENGL 1213 (English Comp 1 & 2), count for high school English IV credit

Taking other college courses can count toward high school elective credits. Here are some other courses that students often take concurrently:

  • POLS 1113 (US Government)

  • PSY 1113 (Elements of Psychology

  • SOC 1113 (Intro Sociology)

  • MATH 1513 (College Algebra)

Please see the Redlands link below for qualifying/required ACT scores and GPAs.

Juniors and Seniors do not pay for tuition at Redlands, but they are required to pay for fees. This can be around $130/course. They are also responsible for the cost of books if applicable.

Seniors may take online courses through OSU tuition free, but the purchase of a book is required for some courses.

Seniors must begin the application process in early April for the following fall semester, and in September for the spring semester. OSU classes fill up fast.

It is helpful for students to look for degree plans that may interest them, in order to decide what courses to take.

The transfer tool link to the right may also be helpful.